Comparative Biosciences, Inc. is firmly committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of personal information. Our website privacy policy reflects that commitment.

Our website does not collect information that personally identifies individuals except when that information is provided on a voluntary basis. Our website is not intended for children under the age of thirteen (13), and Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will not knowingly collect information from site visitors in this age group.

On occasions when personal information is required to provide the services you requested, you will be informed why we are asking for this information; for example, to send you newsletters, updates, or other information you have requested.

Information provided to Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will not be sold or made available to a third party for commercial or advertising purposes. Should we work with website content management services and data storage providers, these third parties will be required to agree in writing not to make use of any information you provide through the Comparative Biosciences, Inc. website.

Website users should be aware that electronic mail (email) is not a secure or private method of transmitting information. Please do not send confidential information to us via email.

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. The practices of these sites are outside the control of Comparative Biosciences, Inc. Users should verify the privacy policies of these sites before submitting information to them.

Our commitment to protecting personal information that Comparative Biosciences, Inc. holds is consistent with our core values of trust, respect, integrity and commitment.

Comparative Biosciences, Inc. privacy practices strive to comply with all applicable privacy legislation in the jurisdictions where Comparative Biosciences, Inc. conducts business. In addition, Comparative Biosciences, Inc. adheres to the United States Safe Harbor Privacy Principles. Our privacy practices are based on the following internationally recognized information privacy principles. These principles are incorporated into our business processes and practices:

Accountability. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. is responsible for personal information under its control and has a designated Privacy Officer who is accountable for assisting Comparative Biosciences, Inc. in incorporating the policy principles into our business and in complying with applicable privacy laws on an ongoing basis.

Identifying Purposes. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will identify the purposes for which it collects personal information at, or before the time of, collection or for further use or disclosure.

Consent. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. obtains an individual’s consent before collection, use, or disclosure of personal information. Consent may be explicit or implied and where permitted by law, consent may not be required.

Limiting Collection. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will limit the collection of personal information to that which is necessary for the identified purposes. Collection must be done by fair and lawful means.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention. Personal information will only be used or disclosed for the identified purposes or with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal information will be retained only as long as necessary.

Accuracy. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will keep the personal information as accurate, complete and up-to-date as possible for the identified purposes.

Safeguards. For personal information, Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will adopt technical, physical and administrative safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Openness. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. will make readily available to individuals specific information about its privacy policy, and other Comparative Biosciences, Inc. policies and practices (if any) relating to the management of personal information.

Individual Access. Upon written request, Comparative Biosciences, Inc. may provide an individual access to his or her personal information. There are certain situations defined by law where Comparative Biosciences, Inc. may deny access to the personal information. Comparative Biosciences, Inc. may amend personal information upon written request by the individual if appropriate and not prevented by law.

Challenging Compliance. Individuals may address concerns regarding Comparative Biosciences, Inc.’s compliance with the above principles to the Privacy Officers. All concerns will be investigated and the results communicated to the individuals involved.

For further information regarding Comparative Biosciences, Inc.’s privacy policy and practices, please contact:

Comparative Biosciences, Inc. Privacy Officer
786 Lucerne Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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